Saturday, June 30, 2007

Learn some manners, Sir Gawain

A true knight tosses
His lady’s salad when she
Wants her salad tossed.

Friday, June 29, 2007

Why "The Jew of Malta" is classified as a comedy

Barabas poisons
The whole convent. Killing nuns
Is hilarious.

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Woman Warrior has some outstanding character development

Nothing speaks to me
Like a retard with a box
Of pornography.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

How homosocial of you, Herman

Now boys, circle up:
Let’s squeeze ourselves into the
Very sperm of kindness.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Is it, Lord Tennyson?

’Tis better to have
Read and hated than never
To have read at all.

Monday, June 25, 2007

The First Rule of William Collins Is That You Do Not Talk About William Collins

If you have to ask
Who the next great poet will be,
Then it isn’t you.

Sunday, June 24, 2007

James Thomson, You Make Me Angry

I read your poem;
My soul died. When I find your
Grave, I’ll piss on it.

Saturday, June 23, 2007

But You Keep Telling Yourself That, Beowulf

You killed a giant,
His mother, and a dragon?
I don’t believe you.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

I might be alone on this one, but...

I’d like to see blind
Milton knock that Papist fuck
Dryden on his ass.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

In which the author expresses his state of mind in explicit terms

Penis fuck penis
Fuck penis fuck penis fuck
Penis fuck penis.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

It Makes You Nobel-Prize-Winning Retarded

Walcott: Just because
The island was called Helen
Doesn’t make you Greek.

Monday, June 18, 2007

Chaucer, Troilus, Feminism

It’s not really rape
When her uncle is right there
Helping you fuck her.

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Beloved Beverage

Nothing tastier
To beat the summer heat than
Breast milk mixed with blood.

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Ms. Glorian, Where Are You?

As an aside, I thought I might finally share my notes from a stellar performance at this year's MadLit conference: Mandy Glorian's work on the form of the personal essay.

Those unacquainted with Ms. Glorian's academic work will surely know her creative work, as she has succeeded where three and a half centuries of poets have failed: Glorian has rewritten John Milton's long, laborious, and ultimately dull epic poem, Paradise Lost. "The Tree of No" rattled the literary world with its elegant simplicity, rhapsodic musicality, and its daring forthrightness. Though some have argued for its shocking stupidity (one recent critic accused Ms. Glorian of poetic blasphemy and suggested that she be strung up from said "Tree of No") others have hailed her as a visionary. "Sons and Daughters of Mandy," as they call themselves, have begun the necessary work to rewrite literary history. Adaire Falcker and Daniel Lowenstine have laid claim to the rest of Milton's swollen corpus, beginning with Comus. D. Oucheb Ag, a graduate student at Rutgers - generally regarded as the nation's finest program in English Literature - has begun a project to paraphrase Shakespeare's sonnets; Al Legorical Name (pronounced Nah-meh), a creative writer at the University of Iowa, has shown definitively that Dickens' work can be improved by rendering it into stick figure drawings, thus eliminating the arbitrary nature of its excessive language; and Nire Refekytab, University of Wisconsin (Madison) writing fellow and future Nobel Prize candidate, has published her intentions to preemptively limit her poetry to Glorian guidelines.

Without further ado, here are my notes (my thoughts are in parenthesis). Those of you who were lucky enough to hear this magnificent essay should feel free to contribute your own notes.
- Montaigne was the first to puzzle over the question, "What do I know?" The more he asked, the more he realized he didn't know. He had to write himself.
- Montaigne was a swamp. (I had no idea.)
- Cultural apocalypse: psychological bifurcation of the self
- (Why are we talking about Ulysses? Shit, is Ulysses an essay?)
- Essay and fiction fuse. (Oh. Um.)
- Only in the modernist period could Borges say that the truth does not exist.
- Borges's essays are like bright pinatas.
- God is no longer paring his fingernails; instead, he's pinning the tail on the donkey.
- Essays turned to phantoms because there is no more self.
- (The girl seated next to Ms. Glorian on the panel is rolling her eyes.)
- New essayists turn away from themselves.
- Flickers of facts with festering fictions.
- Inner wanderings have turned to outward, and the "I" becomes a fiction.
- The blog is the new form of the essay.
- (Random insertion of "ok.")
- (That was ridiculous.)

As a further aside, I figured out how to make it easier to comment on posts. If you'd like to share your thoughts about Ms. Glorian's work or anything else on this blog, feel free.


That white Sustenance —
Despair — unloving, unloved —
Intentionally —

Friday, June 15, 2007

You and Me Both, Mr. Yeats

Beautiful roses!
What? The rose is Ireland?
I hate the Irish.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Dear Mr. Donne

When you wash your sins
Away with Christ’s blood, try to
Get those cum stains out.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

signifying nothing

sound so fucking good
and the quentins both of them
fury and he hush

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Tale of a Turd

Good, dear, shitty Swift!
Why are you so angry? Oh.
Right. All men are turds.

Monday, June 11, 2007

I owe you a haiku on Sterne

Uncle Toby, the widow
---- ---- suck -- anything.
Let down your breeches.

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Center of the Universe

Nature! Transcendence!
Charming, Mr. Emerson,
But completely wrong.

Saturday, June 9, 2007

Stage Directions

As far as we know,
That bear might still be dining
On Antigonus.

Friday, June 8, 2007


Feathers ev’rywhere!
Beak, blood, and awful squawking:
The Rape of the Cock.

Thursday, June 7, 2007


Dead babies, super
Duper sexy Jesus wounds,
And Milk All the Way.

Wednesday, June 6, 2007


Handsome, clever, rich
Emma got genital warts
From Mr. Knightly.

Tuesday, June 5, 2007


Shantih Shantih Shut
The fuck up you pretentious
Mother-fucking prick.

Monday, June 4, 2007

George Eliot

Nobody told me
Middlemarch was nine thousand
Pages. George: eat shit.

Sunday, June 3, 2007

Midnight's Children

I’m fragmentating!
Wah! Everybody look
At me! Eat chutney.

Saturday, June 2, 2007

Mrs. Dalloway

I bought the flowers
Myself. I’m so fucking sick
Of her constant shit.

Friday, June 1, 2007


So now it begins!
What? Drinks? Pie? Socializing?
It begins later.

MASHP 2007

Welcome to the MA Summer Haiku Project 2007. For your reading enjoyment, I will write and post one haiku every day while reading for the last-ever MA exam in English Literature at the University of Wisconsin. The haikus may be references to literary works or to the experience of reading these works; perhaps they will refer to nothing at all.

If you enjoy these whimsical nothings, please let me know. If you do not, fuck you, I never liked you anyways.